Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Brithday Mom!

I stare at a blank screen, how do you describe a woman in your life that means more to you than words can describe. Mom- you are a constant source of strength, a light in darkness, and a picture of Christ. I am overcome by emotion when I think of our journey together. Even from the moment I breathed my first breath on this earth I was your “Bethie” “pumpkin pie” and of course my favorite “Betharenie” (how do you even spell that one…?) We have laughed, cried, and stumbled through our relationship together, always coming out on the other end, standing strong and loving more.

I was your baby, your last one, and the one to push “all the right buttons.” I have challenged, argued, and always had to “have the last word.” I was the one child that “walks to a different beat” and is more like you then people realize. We have had our ups and downs, more ups then downs! You have seen me through stomach aches, broken friendships, broken hearts, a marriage, and now my journey into motherhood. You have come to my rescue and have held my hand on my darkest days. You are my first phone call in the morning, and my best shopping partner! You are my friend!

I am so thankful to have you in my life, and am honored to call you mom. You use to tell me all the time that you hoped I had a daughter just like me…. I pray that more now than I have prayed for anything else. I can only hope to be as good as a mother as you. You have done well Mom- you are not only a good mom, you are a GREAT mom and I love you.
Enjoy today mom, your life has impacted many- but it has impacted three very grateful people- your children. We are thankful for you, and are so blessed to have you as our mother; we thank God for choosing us to be your children.

Happy Birthday Momma!!!

1 comment:

Wray's said...

that was really sweet to read