Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank You Lord

Tuesdays are extremely hard days, as I still have to go every week to get my blood work done. My mom, who is once again amazing and such a gift, has been taking me every week for support. Afterwards we always do lunch or something to help the day not seem so dark. Today we went down to Grace's house in Saluda. We had planned on going to a pool in their neighborhood but as we rounded the corner, Owen came to abrupt stop...someone else was there. We decided to just turn around and go back to Grace's house where we pulled her blue kiddie pool out and filled it up. It ended up being the perfect thing to do, providing much needed fun and laughter, Mom just "jumped" right in and it made it such a delight. Mom made me promise not to post any of her in the pool, but I can assure you it made us all laugh, and the kids loved it, until Owen decided it was time for Mimi (Mom) to get out...Oh what fun our family has. I am thankful that the Lord has invited them into the "house" as they walk this journey with me, and witness the miracle Christ is about to do.

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