Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15th National Holiday for Infant Loss and Remembrance

As you read this my biggest request is that you would just stop for one moment, pause in remembrance for those who are walking this journey. That is all you can do, say a prayer of strength for us and remember our babies, which will mean the world to any of us who have been asked to walk this path.

I will light a candle tonight at 7pm along with many other women I am sure, and we will let the flames burn for the children we miss. I don’t remember my boys today any more then I remembered yesterday or I will remember tomorrow. I remember every day of every minute. I live to remember.

Today Kevin and I will not only remember our babies but remember those who are also grieving and missing their children. Our hearts are with you....we are grieving with you.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I'm praying for you and Kevin today. Thanks for pointing out that although today is set aside as a day of remembrance, we remember every day.