Sunday, March 30, 2008


Below are photos of Kevin and I when we were babies. I know these are not the photos you wish to see when you check my...excuse me... our blog but I of course have been dreaming of what our children would maybe look like. Kevin and I are praying hard about when to start the adoption process. We both feel as though adoption is definitely in our future we are just so unsure about the time God wants us to take the steps forward. This journey God has us on has been one of the hardest things I have ever been through. With that said I have to say that I would not change one thing about the journey, not even loosing Eddie. It has brought us unexplained joy and anticipation to see what God has in store for us!

I know this picture of me looks like I am probably about 6 months old but I was probably just coming home from the hospital....

There is hope though, here is a picture of my sister Grace and I, look I get a bit cuter I think. Look at what a blondie I am, makes me wonder if our kids have any hope of being blond...

Ah...look at how cute, once again he looks as though is his 7 or 8 months old but I am pretty sure he was just born...I know he looks Mexican, I can promise you he is not (not that there is anything wrong with that)

I think in this picture Kevin is around 6 or 7 months old....not really... I believe my babies would be pretty big considering Kevin was born just under 12lbs and I was close to 10lbs...I expect our children to come out walking and potty trained!

Whether God brings children through my womb or through adoption they will be our children and God already knows them by name and we are already praying they have a heart after His. Hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

God Bless America!

Yes, it is I Kevin typing my inaugural Blog. Beth has been hounding me for days to write something, so here goes:

February and March are by far the two worst months of the year for someone like me. The Superbowl ended a fantastic football season, and baseball won't be starting for another month or so. I know that most of you are asking "what about March Madness, and NASCAR?" Well - as a Colorado Native, and a Colorado University Alumni, my school has NEVER been a contender in the NCAA tournament, the closest our state has ever been to college basketball Stardom, was last year when the Air Force Falcons made it to the final four...of the NIT. Yup our state was proud to have the 70th best basketball program in the nation.

And sorry all you Carolina natives - I just can't do NASCAR, if I wanted to watch a bunch of middle aged men go in circles and talk like rednecks, I'd just go to the local flea market.

I don't think I've ever been so excited to watch baseball as I am now, let's see what the Rockies can do after that fantastic run at the end of the year in 2007.

With no sports getting in the way, I have been real busy between working, fixing our house, working at our new church building, and pumping iron (for those of you keeping score at home, I worked out yesterday for the first time in almost 3 months.)

My work is very exciting right now, I have about 10 different projects that I am juggling, some are multi-million dollar opportunities for our company, most of them I'm working with people from all across the world. This is the first March since 2003 when I was not interviewing for a job at least 1000 miles away from home, it's real nice to be at a job that I love, and I don't have to worry about moving.

Our church (seen here: recently moved into a new building, and they put me in charge of building a stage. After many hours working with the pastor and a few other dedicated men, we actually have a good looking stage. I know that God will use what we built to minister to many, and bring many men and women into the kingdom.

I know you want to know more about what's going on in the world of Kevin. But as a wise man once said, "always leave them wanting more." Hopefully that's the case, and you'll be back in about 3 years when I complete my next blog.

Thanks for reading,

Here are some pics that you have asked for, we have everything from Zions graduation from doggie school, Moabs encounter with my yarn, to Kev's table he just built! More pictures to come....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our First Blog Together

So I started this blog a year ago for my students out in Colorado. I decided to post my link on Facebook, which yes I am a facebook user (Kevin wants to mention that he is NOT!). I had no idea that so many people and family members would visit to read up on our blog. Kevin was not to excited to hear that people thought it was OUR blog considering it was all about Beth and it was pink. So because of marriage and the learning to give a 110% I decided to make it our blog, and in turn he said he would "maybe" post something. As I write this now, Kevin my husband who I lovingly changed my blog for, is sitting in the corner of the office making sure he agrees with everything and making suggestions once in a while. So I ask Kevin, What would you like the bloggers of the blogging world to know? His response...delayed pause...blank stare and then with a no enthusiasm he states "God bless America..." This my friends and family is why I have never included my husband into the blogging world. He is good at reading my blogs and always seems to have a generous suggestion yet when asked to participate in the blog he says "God bless America..." then throws his hands into the air and says "that's all...."
Until next time my friends...we will see if we can ever get Kevin to blog!